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Computational Systems Biology (SS 2014)
General Information
Prof. Dr. Ralf Zimmer
Hours and participants
4 SWS Lecture+ 2 SWS Exercise(4V+2Ü)
Course is for students of Bioinformatics or Informatics
Please register!
Times and Rooms:
Di 10-12 A406, Amalienstr. 17
Do 10-12 A406, Amalienstr. 17
2 SWS exercises accompanying the lecture
Assistant: Ludwig Geistlinger
Mi 14-16 Amalienstr. 17, A406
Exam date:
Di, 8.7.2014 10-12 SR 107, Amalienstr. 17
Bioinformatics and Informatics courses of the first four terms
Contents of the course
The goal of systems biology is a predictive understanding of the whole. Szallasi et al., System Modeling in Cellular Biology, MIT Press
From sequencing the human genome and the genomes of other organisms we have a complete inventory of all molecules, which can directly be derived from the genome, i.e. all genes, proteins, and RNAs.
Moreover the behaviour of cells on the transcription level can be observed via genome-wide gene expression measurements.
The combination with other high-throughput techniques allows to investigate metabolic pathways, protein interactions, gene regulatory networks and signaling cascades.
The wealth of experimental data enables to investigate and model biological systems on the level of pathways and networks and, thus, on a higher level than individual macromolecules.
Towards this end, Systems Biology perspectives need to be developed together with the necessary tools for constructing and analysing complex biological models.
The lecture gives an introduction and overview into the spectrum of algorithms and applications as well as the state-of-the-art of the systems biology field. In the associated exercise class the theoretical knowledge will be complemented via practical experiences with the problems and methods.
The following topics will be addressed
Modelling of biological systems: tools and methods
Petri Netze as a modelling framework
Simulation via ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Stochastic simulation
Metabolic Control Analysis (MCA) and Flux Balance Analysis (FBA)
Modelling of biological systems
Network reconstruction and Learning in networks: Boolean and und Bayesian networks
Evolution and self organisation
Requirements for the credits
regular participation in the exercise class 50% of credits in the (weekly) exercise passing the written exam
Slides and exercise tasks for the lecture can be found
Literature for the lecture
Systems Biology
Edda Klipp, Herwig R., Kowald A., Wierling C., Lehrach H., Systems Biology in Practice, Wiley-VCH, 2005
Zoltan Szallasi, Jrg Stelling, Vipul Periwal, System Modeling in Cellular Biology, MIT Press, 2006
James W. Haefner, Modeling Biological Systems, Springer, 2006
Bernhard O. Palsson, Systems Biology : Properties of Reconstructed Networks, Cambridge University Press, 2006
Complex Networks
Duncan Watts, Small Worlds, Princeton University Press, 1999
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, Linked, Plume Books, 2003
Mark Buchanan, Nexus, Norton, 2002
Steven H. Strogatz, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, 2001
Steven H. Strogatz, Sync, Theia, 2004
Duncan Watts, Six Degrees, Norton, 2004
Bornholdt&Schuster, Handbook of Graphs and Networks, Wiley, 2004
Review: R.Albert & A.-L.Barabasi, Statistical mechanics of complex networks,
Reviews of modern physics, Vol 74, Jan. 2002
Petri Nets
Bernd Baumgarten, Petri-Netze, Spektrum, 1996
Priese&Wimmel, Petri-Netze, Springer, 2002
Jrg Desel, Petrinetze, lineare Algebra, und lineare Programmierung, Teubner, 1998
Wolfgang Reisig, Petri-Netze, Eine Einfhrung, Springer, 1985
Wolfgang Reisig, Petri-Netze, Systementwurf mit Netzen, Springer, 1985
Review: T. Murata, Petri nets: Properties, Analysis, and Applications, Proceedings of the IEEE, 1989
Bayesian Networks
Finn V. Jensen, Bayesian Nwtworks and Decision Graphs, 1996
Judea Pearl, Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelleigent Systems, Morgan Kaufman, 1988
Neapolitan, Learning Bayesian Networks, Prentice Hall, 2003
(Tom Mitchell, Machine Learning, Mac Graw Hill, 1997)
(Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning, Springer, 2001)
Review: D. Heckerman, A tutorial on Learning with Bayesian Networks, Microsoft Research TR, 1996
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