- 19.1.16: Scheibenreif&Schwarze: CRISPR/Cas: Scientific background and methods
- 26.1.16: Jahn&Resch: Applications
- 26.1.16: Altschäffel&Gerbert: Controversy and Ethics
- 2.2.16: Ralf Zimmer: Crispr/Cas in Bioinformatics Research: Herpes virus infections
Some References and Starting points:
- Special issue of Genome Biology on Genome Editing December 23, 2015.
- A programmable dual-RNA-guided DNA endonuclease in adaptive bacterial immunity. Jinek M, Chylinski K, Fonfara I, Hauer M, Doudna JA, Charpentier E Science 2012 Aug 17;337(6096):816-21
- Genome editing. The new frontier of genome engineering with CRISPR-Cas9. Doudna JA, Charpentier E Science 2014 Nov 28;346(6213):1258096
- Expanding the Biologist's Toolkit with CRISPR-Cas9. Sternberg SH, Doudna JA Mol Cell 2015 May 21;58(4):568-74
- CRISPR germline engineering--the community speaks.Bosley KS, Botchan M, Bredenoord AL, Carroll D, Charo RA, Charpentier E, Cohen R, Corn J, Doudna J, Feng G, Greely HT, Isasi R, Ji W, Kim JS, Knoppers B, Lanphier E, Li J, Lovell-Badge R, Martin GS, Moreno J, Naldini L, Pera M, Perry AC, Venter JC, Zhang F, Zhou Q, Nat Biotechnol 2015 May;33(5):478-86
- International summit on Human Gene Editing (Washington, Dec 1-3, 2015)
- Statement of DFG and Leopoldina on Genome Editing
- Ownership, MIT Technology Review
- Gene Drive, Science
- the NAS meeting on Genome Editing
- Eric Lander, Brave New Genome, Science, 2015
- Gantz&Bier, The mutagenic Chain Reaction, Science, 2014